DO YOU KNOW! TODAY IS. THE MEMORY FOR THE FIRST PERSON CLIMBED KILIMANJARO 6TH OCTOBER Hello my name is medi im the mountain guide for more than ten years now.Mountain Kilimanjaro have more than smtories that are more interesting but when i remember this date when Yonna lauwo (first guide) who climbed Kilimanjaro with hans mayor as his locàl guide, by saying his local guide doesn't mean he climbed and reach the top before.The were also two local headmen, nine porters, three other locals who would act as supervisors, one cook and one guide supplied by the local who supplied by chief mariale. These men would help to carry the equipment and man the camps, ATTEMPT THE SUMMIT. However, on his third attempt, in 1889, Meyer finally became the first person to climb Kilimanjaro. Though no doubt a skillful and determined climber, Meyer’s success can largely be attributed to his recognition that the biggest obstacle to a successful assault was the lack o...